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Mengapa OKU dipinggirkan
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Utusan Malaysia, 10 januari 2007


Baru-baru ini sekumpulan orang kurang upaya (OKU) berkempen untuk menyatakan hakikat hidup yang mereka alami. Kehidupan yang telah pun tercabar akibat kekurangan yang mereka miliki, menjadi lebih sukar apabila pengangkutan awam di negara ini tidak mesra OKU. Bukan itu sahaja, malah pengguna-pengguna lain perkhidmatan tersebut yang sempurna anggotanya juga tidak mesra OKU.

Dari segi perangkaannya, dianggarkan bahawa satu peratus penduduk setiap negara adalah terdiri daripada OKU. Ini bermakna, di Malaysia, terdapat seramai 260,000 OKU dalam pelbagai kategori yang memerlukan perhatian kita. Kerajaan Malaysia, melalui Dasar Kebajikan Masyarakat Negara menawarkan perkhidmatan rawatan, pemulihan, pendidikan dan latihan kepada golongan ini dengan hasrat untuk menggabungkan mereka dalam masyarakat.

Iltizam kerajaan adalah satu perkara, namun perlaksanaan iltizam tersebut adalah satu perkara yang lain. Kegagalan para petugas memahami iltizam kerajaan ini menyebabkan timbulnya rungutan demi rungutan daripada pihak sasaran yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mendapatkan segala bentuk bantuan dan kemudahan.


Selain itu, usaha kerajaan ini memerlukan kerjasama daripada pihak lain, khususnya pihak swasta. Banyak aduan mengenai bangunan serta perkhidmatan yang tidak mesra OKU menunjukkan bahawa pihak swasta tidak menyokong usaha-usaha kerajaan dalam menyediakan persekitaran yang mesra OKU. Walaupun setakat ini kerajaan belum mewajibkan pihak swasta untuk menyediakan kemudahan-kemudahan, namun, tanggungjawab masyarakat sepatutnya memadai untuk menggerak mereka untuk menyediakan kemudahan-kemudahan yang mesra OKU.

Jika selama ini kita sering memperkatakan tentang persekitaran jasmani yang tidak mesra OKU, bagaimana dengan masjid-masjid dan surau-surau kita? Apakah ia mesra OKU bagi memudahkan mereka beribadat?

Bagaimana pula dengan dana orang Islam? Sejauh manakah dana itu digunakan untuk membantu golongan OKU ini? Lazimnya, dana yang terkumpul diagihkan kepada golongan terpinggir dari kalangan anak yatim. Bagaimana dengan golongan OKU? Apakah hanya kerana ia tidak disebutkan secara langsung di dalam al-Quran maka ini bermakna mereka tidak perlu dibantu?

Bagaimana pula dengan usaha memberi kefahaman Islam terhadap golongan ini? Apakah kita memiliki sekumpulan pendakwah yang terlatih khusus untuk menunjuk ajar golongan ini mengenai fardu ain selaras dengan kekurangan-kekurangan yang mereka miliki?

Sejauh mana pula badan-badan Islam menyahut seruan kerajaan agar satu peratus pekerjanya terdiri daripada orang kurang upaya?

Suka atau tidak, kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa negara Barat adalah lebih terkehadapan dalam mewujudkan persekitaran yang mesra OKU. Jika mereka boleh, kita - negara Islam - seribu kali boleh melakukannya kerana agama kita menuntut ia dilakukan.


posted by Blogger @ 6:11 PM  
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Dari Penulis/ Owner Weblog OKU 2

Weblog ini diwujudkan untuk mengumpulkan sebanyak mungkin maklumat-maklumat berkenaan OKU.

Ia merupakan kesinambungan dari weblog oku 1 iaitu Anything About Disabled People.

Penulis/ owner of this blog adalah seorang OKU yang terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya pada Ogos 1992 di lebuhraya Paloh Inai, Kuantan, Pahang.

Itulah serba sedikit mengenai biodata penulis/ owner blog.



1 January 2007
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40 Reasons why you should join AGLOCO

1. You can make money safely, legitimately, and easily.

2. It takes maybe three minutes to join.

3. You need nothing more than a working computer connected to the Internet.

4. You don't have to enter any sensitive information to join.

5. You don't have to buy anything to join.

6. You don't have to buy anything ever once you are a member.

7. It's easy to cancel if you don't want to be a member any more.

8. You'll only download a small free toolbar that won't install anything else on your computer, hog its memory, or read your keystrokes.

9. You'll make the same amount of money even if you never click on anything.

10. AGLOCO is the real deal, not some little scam. A good number of notable entrepreneurs are backing it. A Google search with keyword "agloco" will net you 1 million pages and counting.

11. Very important: AGLOCO's business model has been tried before and proven to work. In fact, AGLOCO's predecessor paid out over $120 million to its members (this is what finally convinced me).

12. You can dramatically increase your income by referring other people to AGLOCO, because...

13. ...AGLOCO pays you a portion of the surf money earned by those you referred up to 5 levels below you. So...

14. You can recruit your friends and all make money together when you help them get referrals. Thus,

15. The sooner you sign up, the more folks will come to you for info and the more likely it is that you will be the original seed of a large referral network in your community.

16. You never have to read emails from people you don't know.

17. You'll never be asked to send emails to people you don't know.

18. You don't have to change anything you normally do on the Internet. You surf, AGLOCO pays.

19. AGLOCO's revenue source is genuine: a Viewbar members use that shows targeted advertisements based on your surf history, with the money paid to advertise going back to the members. That's not magic; that's common sense.

20. The Viewbar software you will download will not invade your privacy; it simply looks for keywords on the pages you view in order to show related ads.

21. The Viewbar is maybe the size of your taskbar at the bottom of your screen - in other words, it's small and won't interfere with your browsing experience at all.

22. AGLOCO has a thorough privacy policy that explicitly guarantees personal information will never be sold or given away.

23. In fact, AGLOCO has not one but three agreements every member must agree to. The bases are covered.

24. AGLOCO has a CPO - Chief Privacy Officer - whose responsibility is to make sure your privacy is never violated. His name is Ray Everett-Church, and he has more experience protecting privacy than probably anyone else on the planet.

25. AGLOCO doesn't play; anybody providing fake information, signing up twice, or otherwise trying to cheat the system will be detected by AGLOCO's anti-hacking instruments. This is an honest enterprise through and through.

26. By signing up, you support the company that will change Internet advertising for the better.

27. By signing up, you get to own a piece of the company that will change Internet advertising for the better. AGLOCO belongs to its members, which is to say that...

28. ...you will own stock (more if you refer people) in a company that is likely to become huge and thus your stock will be worth something awesome when AGLOCO goes public on the London Stock Exchange.

29. You will likely find that other AGLOCO members, especially now in the early stages of AGLOCO, are some of the Web's savviest users and developers, and you can learn a bunch from them.

30. You get to be on the cutting edge of World Wide Webware development, which means that as AGLOCO grows, its members will benefit from...

31. ...discounts when members buy from companies affiliated with AGLOCO;

32. ...possible help with spyware/antivirus protection (remember, everyone from Fortune 500 companies to millions of users will all benefit from a better browsing experience);

33. ...community forums where members can meet and discuss not just stuff, but ways and member-based projects to make AGLOCO better (it is our company).

34. Our company is in good hands. AGLOCO pays 10% of its revenues to Infomediary Services Corporation (ISC), which is simply the management company that is responsible for managing AGLOCO. The other 90% of the revenue belongs to us. This 10% will attract the designing talent needed to make AGLOCO great. The corresponding 10% of AGLOCO's shares go to a foundation dedicated to providing every human being on Earth with Internet access.

35. AGLOCO's management team will not get stock in AGLOCO. This ensures that those in positions of high responsibility don't hijack the company.

36. Though circumstances will vary, you can get paid and earn shares no matter where on Earth you live.

37. If you choose, you can donate your earnings and shares to the charity of your choice.

38. If you get involved in referring more members, you might be able to quit your day job and actually spend time at home, with your family, on vacation, wherever - and still make money.

39. If AGLOCO fails, you won't lose any money because you paid none in the first place.

40. AGLOCO ain't gonna fail. The last time such an opportunity existed, people made over $120 million in under 2 years, when far less people had Internet access and conditions weren't yet right for such a company to go public. Now, with record spending on advertising and calls from all sides for less irrelevant advertising and a better business/customer connection, the world is more than ready for an economic network that gives back to its users.

Now, if you aren't yet a member, after everything I just told you, you're not going to go and sign up?

Author: Michael H. Lewis

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